Sunday, May 31, 2015

What I would tell my-younger-self

Hi !

I know Its been a really long time. I checked the last time I posted it was 9 Februari 2013. It was freaking 2 years ago ! It is been fo-e-ve since I have a true artist guts to share anything and be proud of any work I did. So as a comeback (I tried), I will make a post and writing what I would tell my-younger-self. I know why I quit at that time and after 2 years had passed, I have something to say and hopefully this can help anyone visit this blog. 
(i'm about to drop some cheesiness-bewaree~)

One, be honest in what you love to do. 

I remember the first time I posted in this blog, I was in college. A total clueless girl. I tweeted a lot, blogging daily and fascinated with how facebook works at that time (masih norak). Starting a blog thinking no one will ever see this anyway so in conclusion--- I was a human spam. lol. Just now I realize these days when everything goes in speed in digital world. 
You dont have to be "amazing" to be noticed. You just have to be proud of your works. How come someone know my work, asking me about possibility of collaboration considering my low level of self-promotion.  I didn't honest to myself who I am and what I love. I would never thought myself as a designer/illustrator/artist or else because I never simply honest in what I actually love to do or just because I didn't have a degree for it. If I could meet my-younger-self I would totally slap myself and scream at the top of my lungs, "What's wrooooong with youuu ???! You missed a lot of opportunities just because you were too afraid to admit you are a designer, an illustrator or anything ! -name yourself all you want-cause that's who you want to be". Dont be me, in 24-ish years old just realized how many years I had spent for doubting myself. 

Two, people will always talk. 

I always afraid of what other people saying. Many people do. So. Stop. Just. Stop. 

So nooow ! I have two blogs to maintain will be focus on portfolio (works and projects) and this blog will be the place I would do or post the heck anything I want ! oh and btw this blog desperately need some make over. 

You may see tons of incorrect english grammar and words mispelled. You may also see bunch of crappy artworks, unfinished diy projects or even beauty product review from a total amateur who has uneven wing liner. Because I want to. That's why. And I need to. 


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